Mold grows where there is an elevated level of moisture, such as condensation in an attic due to lack of ventilation.
Mold grows where there is an elevated level of moisture, such as condensation in an attic due to lack of ventilation.
Mold grows where there is an elevated level of moisture, such as condensation in an attic due to lack of ventilation.
At this house, the builder put a deck over a heated garage but did not allow for the ventilation of the underside of the deck sheathing.
At this house, the builder put a deck over a heated garage but did not allow for the ventilation of the underside of the deck sheathing.
At this house, the builder put a deck over a heated garage but did not allow for the ventilation of the underside of the deck sheathing.
Without proper ventilation, condensation formed, mold started to grow and eventually the framing members began to decay. After a number of years the deck started to sag. The entire deck structure had to be removed and rebuilt.
Without proper ventilation, condensation formed, mold started to grow and eventually the framing members began to decay. After a number of years the deck started to sag. The entire deck structure had to be removed and rebuilt.
Without proper ventilation, condensation formed, mold started to grow and eventually the framing members began to decay. After a number of years the deck started to sag. The entire deck structure had to be removed and rebuilt.
Without proper ventilation, condensation formed, mold started to grow and eventually the framing members began to decay. After a number of years the deck started to sag. The entire deck structure had to be removed and rebuilt.
Cracks is foundation walls sometimes allows water to slowly seep in undetected for a long time, but there are always some subtle hints like swollen and darkened baseboards.
Cracks is foundation walls sometimes allows water to slowly seep in undetected for a long time, but there are always some subtle hints like swollen and darkened baseboards.
Cracks is foundation walls sometimes allows water to slowly seep in undetected for a long time, but there are always some subtle hints like swollen and darkened baseboards.
Improperly installed windows results in water getting into the outside wall framing, slowly spreading the moisture in the wall cavity and on the subfloor. Sure signs are cupped hardwood flooring.
Or stains on window or door sills.